Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Fashion = Love & Happiness. :)

So Hello !!! :-D
Hope the new year has been treating everyone well 
Yes, We have been away. 
(doing nothing remarkable.) :P 
We were going through a very sad “I-don’t-feel-like-dressing up” phase due to various reasons. However that has ended :-D
And we are Back :-D
Yesterday we went to CST station for our on field photography class. Yes, we are pretty cool like that :P 
This is one subject where the projects get done without more or less no cribbing. Which is RARE ! :P
The next post will reveal the biggest reason as to WHY we love this subject so much :P 

Trishala's wearing 
Tie n Dye Jumpsuit- Bandra

Peace pendant chain - Al's 
Jute Bag - Goa (most inexpensive piece of the outfit 100 inr!)
Shades- Bandra 
Lennon glasses - Gift
Mojris - Colaba
Total outfit done in 1350 bucks ! :-D

Perry's wearing (and SMILING!) :P 
Blue jacket with lace details - Bandra  (most inexpensive piece of the outfit 150 inr!) B-) Lucky find! :D
White tank top - bandra 
Ballerina Flats - Bandra 
Bag - Gift
Shades - Vintage
Owl Pendant - Dress box, bandra. 
Black pants
Total outfit done in 1550 bucks! :D

Bye :)